1.This tactic is useful for forcing an enemy out of a defensive position or into a dangerous one, such as in a pool of lava or over a cliff.
2.'[After starting fully invested] you're constantly moving to a more-defensive position until you just get out, ' he said.
3.But those trenches easily collapsed, and after an hour of heated battle you would not tell that there was a defensive position there.
4.The enemy has strengthened their defensive position .
5.It was, in fact, the only defensive position available.
6.Half an year of art of clavicular fracture defensive position cannot be raised?
7.The evening before the battle, Wellington took up a defensive position along, and to the rear of, a long ridge.
8.Shields are generally founded on Light magic and it takes less power to hold a defensive position than to initiate an offensive one.
9.Because of the trouble in Iraq, he drove his position. opponent into a defensive position.
10.He has claimed the central defensive position as his own and even found the back of the net against Inter.